(+371) 2008 6555
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(+371) 2008 6555
One of the directions of practice by Ltd. “MEGA STAR” is the calculation, design and equipping of shock freezing chambers.

The company “MEGA STAR” delivered freezing chambers that are used for a fast freezing of different kinds of products.

The shock freezing of products is widely used during many different technological operations and on many industrial objects, where food is produced. Such method of processing considerably reduces the time of freezing of the product.

The chambers (apparatus) for shock freezing are designed for abrupt, namely shocking, freezing during a maximally short period of time in the flow of cold air.

The shock freezing guarantees the high quality of processed products and excludes the possibility of reproduction of bacteria. The usage of such cameras allows keeping of products for impressive terms without violations of hygienic conditions. The shock freezing allows preserving the wholesome substances, vitamins and taste qualities of the product.

Deep freezing of products enables the prolongation of the expiration date of goods and without any losses of quality delivers it to the retailer.