The refrigerated serve over counters with medium temperatures have a range from 0° up to +6°C for the storage of food and are the most common units, where unfrozen dairy products, sausages, semi-finished goods, salads, cheeses, etc. are placed. The confectionary serve over counters are equipped with additional shelves for a convenient layout of cakes and pastries.
Universal or combined serve over counters provide a temperature regimen from -5° to +5°C. Low temperature units have a range of -18° to -10°C, where previously frozen products should be stored.
The refrigerated serve over counters differ by the depth of layout of the products, the presence of the storage device; can have a built-in cold providing system (plug-in) or a possibility to connect to a remote source of cold, and even the methods of opening of the glasses.
Our company offers help in making the choice, delivery, installation, further maintenance and repairs of the refrigeration serve over counters. According to Your wish we are able to provide service and repairs to already installed equipment.